Liberated Leaders Online Personal Development and Wellbeing Programmes

“You should never be afraid to invest in yourself” Elliott Connie

Are you a liberated leader? A liberated leader in my definition is someone who adopts these 5 principles: They do what they want (they work in their zone of genius doing what they are good at and enjoy doing), they do it when they want (they have great balance in their life), they do it with who they want (they surround themselves with great people), they do it how they want (with control, influence and autonomy) and they earn enough money to support their lifestyle (be it simple or extravagant), underpinned with self confidence and authenticity.


Are you living a liberated leaders lifestyle? I can offer you the opportunity to go on a journey of  personal transformation to help you to develop the personal skills required to live a liberated leaders lifestyle, be that doing more of what you love doing and are good at (success), getting balance in your life and reclaiming your personal power to be more confident and assertive in getting what you want.

If this sounds like the personal transformation you are looking for right now, find out how I can help you through each of these programmes, designed to liberate you and get you on the right path to success.

Personal Development and Wellbeing Programmes

On-line, self-paced 3 week programmes.

Creating your path to success

Getting balance in your life

Reclaim your personal power

What’s Included?

Each programme consists of:

  • The opportunity to work directly with me during three online group coaching sessions, aligned to each module in the programme.
  • The opportunity to join a community of like minded leaders who want the same thing as you and who will share their journey, experiences and tips with you in the forum or the group coaching sessions (remember you are not alone).
  • Three online modules which take you on a challenging (no one said change is easy), and reflective  personal development journey over a three week period. Don’t worry if you fall behind you can access them through your account anytime to suit you.
  • When you sign up, you can login at any time and access “Your Programmes” through the menu at the top of each page.  
  • Week 1 will be available for you to start immediately, with the content for weeks two and three being released subsequently.
  • The first online group coaching session will take place at the beginning of week 2 so you have had chance to digest the content and materials from week 1.
  • You’ll receive an email each week reminding  you to access to the week’s resources related to the programme(s) you have purchased.

Your resources include:

  • Online overview videos and/or presentations talking you through the content and exercises.
  • Printable downloads which include your personal reflective workbook for each week.
  • Additional templates related to the exercises in your workbook.
  • Bonus materials available every time we update the programme.

In addition to all of the above, you will receive regular invitations to join webinars and online group coaching sessions related to the themes in the programme as we grow the liberated leaders community with each new intake.

All of this is available to subscription members only.

The Programmes

Creating your path to success

This programme is ideal if you are returning to work, fed up with your job, are at a career crossroad, suddenly open to new opportunities thanks to the pandemic or simply not sure about what your future path looks like? I will take you through some key steps to define your own path to success and help you to increase your self awareness so you can unravel any self limiting beliefs that get in the way of you achieving your dreams.

Getting balance in your life (wellbeing)

Come on, you only live once! Why spend all your best years in a stressed out state missing out on all the things you love doing? Most people DON’T realise this, but the evidence is compelling! If you spend time doing the things you love you will get even better at your job! If you want proof I can share a multitude of case studies and evidence with you but don’t take my word for it, experience it yourself. We will explore what matters most to you, what gets in the way (yes its work, but its the behaviours you adopt in doing it), how to get the balance right and strategies to maintain balance so you can have a more fulfilling life.

Reclaim your personal power

Stop giving your personal power away. How often do you unconsciously do other peoples work for them, or work around their agenda (and your the boss), accept something that’s not right, or lose an argument because you couldn’t get your point across, or worse keep saying yes to things you really don’t want to do (like work the weekend or evening)? We all do it to a greater or lesser extent. The key is to become aware of and reclaim your personal power. I will take you on a journey and share some common examples of how we lose our personal power and can so easily give it away especially at work but also in our personal life. I will share some key strategies on how to reclaim your personal power with confidence and learn to say ‘NO’ to others and ‘YES’ to yourself.

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