Hogan, MBTI or Spotlight?

Which tool to choose? See below for more information.

Or get in touch to explore which tool would work best for you.


The Hogan Personality Assessments look at personality traits that can help you understand your strengths and weaknesses. The full assessment includes the Hogan Personality Inventory (bright-side traits), the Hogan Development Survey (dark-side traits) and the Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (inside traits or core values).

This video from Harvard Business School looks at dark-side personality traits and shows how an understanding of these qualities, which can emerge in periods of stress, can help you perform better and mitigate potential problems:

11 Personality Traits That Can Limit Your Career (Harvard Business School)


The Myers Briggs framework can help provide a better understanding of personality type preferences, helping you to make decisions that align with your values, communicate with others and understand yourself better. It can be a good starting point on a personal development journey, whether that be self-managed or with the guidance of a coach or mentor.



Spotlight is a personality profiling tool, designed with performance in mind. It looks at behavioural style and mindset to maximise strengths, build stronger relationships and enhance effectiveness, focusing on results and performance.

Based on the science of psychology, along with decades’ worth of experience in elite sport, Spotlight was built to be practical, memorable and relevant to the modern world.


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